Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Testarossa Engine Complete

Been a while since I last worked on the Testarossa. Finally had the courage to get back to work on it. Here is the completed engine. I also finished the front suspension (not pictured).

Next, I'll have to put together the firewall, paint the body, and detail.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Interior Completed

Been a while. Now that I'm done with school, I managed to finish the interior. Shifter was made from a sewing needle and sanded the knob down to scale, which took some time. Overall, lots of masking and some detail painting.

Next will be to finish up the engine

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Testarossa Dashboard

Looks like I'll need to buy some new decals.... The ones from the kit were very brittle, especially since the they are so old

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Testarossa Interior

There were so many stages of masking for the interior and here is the final masking! This one took a little more time especially masking off the gear box area and tight areas

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Body Primed

 Body was prepped by sanding down all the mold lines, scribing the panel lines, then sanding the whole body, and then a wash afterwards

 2 coats of primer laid down and happy with the results! Everything laid down smooth
 Detailing black on the cam covers. Still need a technique to paint the raised lines silver

 Started painting the door panel
 Started masking the interior. Lots of masking still to do...
 Started painting the seats but the putty marks were too visible, so I'll have to redo them
 Dash got painted

Friday, July 10, 2015

Black Paint Update

Painted the cam covers last Sunday I believe. I tried to use a toothpick to paint/drybrush the raised lines with silver but didnt look as good so I painted it over with another coat.

Here's what I got done tonight

Friday, July 3, 2015

Tamiya Testarossa Painting

Finally got the nerve to use the airbrush and start painting parts. It was a lot easier than I thought, I wish I would have done it earlier. This is the first time ever using an airbrush and I have learned a lot already from this first paint round. I painted most of the engine parts that needed XF-16.